by Charlotte

Working Out With Items Around Your House

Most of us wouldn’t mind getting a great workout in, but we’re either too busy to get to the gym or our budget simply won’t allow for it. Not a problem! You can easily get a great workout in with everyday items from around your home.

Think we’re kidding? 

Just check out some of the great workout ideas given below by MOVOMOVO using everything from a chair to canned goods!  Before beginning a workout regimen, be sure to talk to your doctor to make sure that it’s ok. Also, remember to warm up before you workout and cool down after. 

Canned Goods

You can use canned goods as hand weights. Start out with small canned goods and adjust the weight by increasing the size of the canned good to fit your routine. 

An Exercise to Try:

With a canned good in each hand and your hands at your sides, raise your arms straight out and up above your head until the canned goods touch one another. Hold for a second and then lower your arms slowly back to the starting position. Repeat 12-15 times. 

Gallon Jugs

Half and gallon sized milk or water jugs are also another great alternative weight. You can easily fill the jugs with water or sand. You can increase the weight when needed by adding more water or sand. 

An Exercise to Try:

Stand with one jug in each hand. Bend your knees slightly and then lean the upper part of your body forward. Allow your arms to hang at your side. Bring your elbows back and up towards the ceiling. Hold and then lower your arms back down to your side. Repeat 12-15 times. 

Flour or Sugar

Place a 5-  10 pound bag of flour or sugar into a plastic grocery bag with handles. If you need more weight add another 5-  10 pound bag of flour or sugar. Just be careful not to add too much weight to the bag or you’ll wind up with a broken grocery bag and probably a big mess! If you love the idea of using grocery bags as a workout, but the flour or sugar is too much weight, you can add bags of dried beans or anything that works for you to the grocery bags

An Exercise to Try:

Begin in a standing position with a filled grocery bag in each hand and your arms straight down at your side. Slowly bring your arms forward, palms facing out, and then raise your arms up until the grocery bags touch your shoulders. Now, slowly lower your arms down with your palms still facing outward and then bring your arms back down at your side. Repeat 12-15 times. 

Phone Books

Use phone books in your workout routine to strengthen calf muscles. Other books will work just as well. Just be sure they are books that you don’t intend to keep forever. 

An Exercise to Try:

Squat in a standing position with your feet wider than your feet. With a phone book in front of you, place your hands on the book and rise up using the tips of your toes. Lift the hips towards the ceiling and straighten your knees. Squat back down into the starting position while still on your tiptoes. Repeat 12-15 times.

All You Should Know about Skin Lightening Creams

Everybody wants to have beautiful and flawless skin with even skin tone. Of late, even men have joined the beauty bandwagon and do not hesitate to splurge on facials and other beauty treatments to look and feel good. It is indeed an irony that while light-skinned people spend a lot of money and time trying to tan themselves, people with darker hues are busy trying to make their skin lighter and fairer.

Even some fair-skinned people opt for Meladerm skin lightening cream reviews because their beauty may be marred by skin blemishes, acne etc. In this article, we reveal useful information about skin lightening creams and whether they are actually effective at all.

How They Work

Your skin colour depends on the amount of melanin in your skin, the more the melanin the darker you would be. Skin creams have chemical or herbal ingredients that reduce or inhibit melanin production in the skin, thereby making it fairer and lighter. The effectiveness of a cream depends on the concentration and nature of its ingredients.
Herbal Creams

In some countries, products with herbal and plant ingredients are popular. These ingredients include mulberry, scutelleria, licorice and arbutin. They combine together to produce a natural bleaching effect on the skin by reducing melanin production. Such herbal creams are popularly used to lighten face and body and these can produce results within two weeks.

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Effect is Temporary

Most skin experts say the effect of skin lightening creams is only temporary. They may indeed make your skin fairer and hide flaws, but this effect wears off once the cream is washed off. Common sense also suggests this is true because if skin lightening creams were indeed effective, there would not be many darker-hued people left on the planet.

Hydroquinone is Banned in the US

Some health issues too can be caused by regularly using these creams. Many products contain hydroquinone as this ingredient has a considerable bleaching effect. But researchers have revealed that hydroquinone can cause many diseases including cancer. For this reason, hydroquinone has been banned by the FDA in the US. But in other countries, skin creams with hydroquinone may still be sold. If this is the case in your country, take care and buy a skin product which contains less than 2% hydroquinone.

Potential Risks

Skin experts aver regular use of skin lightening products can indeed cause some harm. Common side effects are
development of skin rashes, acne breakouts with blackheads and development of oily skin which can block skin pores.

Check this: [Review meladerm pigment reducing complex]

Is Bleaching a Good Alternative?

On the contrary, regular bleaching can have the opposite effect and permanently darken your skin instead of making it fair. Dermatologists advise that one should go for skin bleach only once in three or four months. Again, the results are just temporary and do not last long.

Homework for Buying the Best Skin Lightening Cream

The first step would be to log on to Internet and read user reviews about the various creams available in the market. Make sure the product does not have a reputation of causing irritation or allergies. Specific products have been created keeping in mind the needs of particular races. For example, African-American women can use creams that have been specifically formulated for their skin texture. Do not just pick up any product off the shelf or get carried away by glamorous advertisements.

Consult a dermatologist about the best ones in the market. Expert’s advice that three months is more than enough time to check if a product is indeed effective. So if you do not see tangible results in this period stop using the cream and try other alternatives. You can also try home remedies as these have little or no side effects. Evening primrose oil and almond oil are reputed to improve skin tone significantly.


If your skin is dark do not fret too much about it and go for desperate remedies some of which could actually boomerang and cause harm. Instead, focus on building your inner beauty and strength. If somebody rejects you because of your dark skin, don’t take it to heart. For such people beauty is only skin deep and you are better off alone than being with them. Try to build a sound mind in a healthy body and the resulting glow on your face and skin will definitely attract the attention of worthy suitors whatever your skin colour may be.

Check this: [Meladerm lightening cream]


Cystic Acne Treatment

What is cystic Acne?
Before you can find the right cystic acne treatment you need to understand what cystic acne actually is. Acne cysts are bigger than a normal blackhead or pimple and usually more than 5 mm in diameter. People suffering from cystic acne are likely to have acne cysts spread over more than the half of their face, that doesn´t only look terrible, it can also be very painful for the people concerned. Acne cysts develop when pus is trapped just underneath the skin surface. The really frustrating point with cystic acne is, that it takes months for cysts to heal and disappear.

Causes of cystic Acne
Cystic acne is caused the same ways all other acne forms are caused: by overproducing oil glands in the pores, dead skin cells in the hair follicle and the big amount of acne causing. Cystic Acne develops when the oil glands in your skin become clogged. This will cause an infection in the pores. The oil glands have a really important task in your body, they produce oil that keeps the skin moist and help the hair follicle to ease out of the skin. Especially throughout the teenager years the oil glands tend to overproduce on oil because of the unsteady hormone levels in the body of the sufferer. Bacteria do the last step and infect and irritate the area. That is the way how cystic acne is caused.

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Cystic Acne Treatment
If you suffer from cystic acne it is best to consult a dermatologist or skin specialist. He can prescribe you some powerful and effective medication. But don´t be disappointed if the first prescribed cystic acne treatment fails to work, it usually takes a bit of trying before you find the right treatment or the right combination of treatments that really help your condition. The most common cystic acne treatments include oral antibiotics, isotretinoin, oral contraceptives (for women), drainage or surgical excision or intralesional corticosteroid injections.Here are some tips you should follow that may be help to get a bit of relief:

  • Wash your face twice a day with an antibacterial cleanser. Make sure that the affected area stays free from sweat, bacteria and makeup.
  • Use facial masks on a regular basis, the best options are masks with mud and citric acid.
  • Also get an acne cream containing benzoyl peroxide and apply it to your skin daily.
  • Make a paste out of water and     baking soda and apply it to the cysts. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then rinse it off thoroughly.
  • Eat a balanced diet. Try to eat the recommended 4-5 servings of fruit and veggies every day and drink at least 2L of water each day.
  • Put a hot compress or a washcloth soaked in hot water onto your face. This method will reduce the swelling of the cysts and look your acne look less obvious

One of my favourites quotes in skin care niche.

"Diet and nutritional supplements: Regular consumption of plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, in whole form or juiced, along with legumes, grains, nuts, seeds, and little or no refined, overprocessed foods, fat, sugar, and caffeine will help your skin to stay young and healthy. Pay attention, particularly in the case of hives and rashes, to any foods to which you may be oversensitive. The nutritional supplements that are most of benefit to the skin are Vitamin A (we recommend it in the form of Beta carotene, which is non-toxic, since prolonged use of over 50,000 I.U. of Vitamin A can result in hair loss, skin dryness, and other symptoms of toxicity), Zinc, Vitamin E, and Vitamin C. We suggest these in combination with a mega multi vitamin and mineral containing 25-50 mg of the B vitamins but use higher amount with some skin conditions. Essential fatty acids such as linoleic and linolenic acid are necessary to keep the skin soft and pliable. PABA, often found in sun tan products, helps prevent against damage from the sun's ultraviolet rays." Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman N.D.

Check this too:  meladerm discount

Skincare Tips for Beautiful Skin

Today we are going to talk about homemade DIY skin care recipes that you should absolutely never try. And these recipes are everywhere. They are all over youtube; they're all over the internet, all over blogs and for some reason they just won't die. So, I'm going to write this article today, to tell you which ones you should never try and why.

And to start lets talk about lemons. One of the most popular recipes I see involves taking a lemon, cutting it in half, coating it in sugar, and then scrubbing it all over your face. Now, I kind of understand why people might think this is a good idea. You think "oh, lemons have vitamin C and sugar is exfoliating. Exfoliation is good." But, no. The pH of lemon juice is way too low to be just rubbing it all over your face it's highly irritating. And then adding a crystalline substance to it -- crystalline meaning it has sharp edges. Scrubbing that all over your face you're going to create a lot of tiny lacerations through which the lemon juice can enter and further irritate the skin. So absolutely not, do not ever do this.

The best way to xfoliate your skin is gradually over time and leave on treatments like AHAs, BHAs, retinols, etc., are by far the best way to go about it. I've said before that scrubs are really not that effective at exfoliating especially over the long term. So not only is this not providing the benefit you think it is but it's going to damage your skin in the long term if you do this repeatedly.

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Another variation of that that I've seen is to do the same thing but with a tomato. Tomato is slightly safer to use on the skin, and tomatoes do have some beneficial properties for oilier skin because they are naturally astringent. But same thing applies, you do not want to be rubbing sugar all over your face and homemade scrubs in general, homemade facial scrubs, are generally a bad idea.

And on that note, let's talk about baking soda. Baking soda is something that does not belong on your face literally ever. You hould never ever ever put baking soda on your face. our skin naturally has an acidic ph and that's a good thing. It helps to keep the lipid layer intact helps to keep the skin health and performing its job keeping things out of the body. But when you introduce something that is highly alkaline to it you are compromising the quality of that lipid layer and the integrity of your skin. Now, a lot of recipes say "well you can mix this in with your cleanser and it makes for a nice mild exfoliation" and that's true it's an extremely mild exfoliation because this, this is just a powder there's very little grit to it and that's all well and good but you're introducing a highly alkaline substance into your skin care routine and that is never advisable.

There are also a lot of sort of like, logical leaps that people take with baking soda. Like, baking soda is good for cleaning your teeth so it also must be good for cleaning your face, but that's just not true absolutely not true. It may help you to clean your face but it's not going to help your skin be healthy. The only time we as estheticians really purposefully introduce an alkaline substance is during a process called disincrustation which we use before extracting blackheads and that is a whole other thing and done in a very controlled way.

But I do not recommend that you ever add baking soda to any of your skin care products in fact the only thing I ever recommend adding is a mechanical exfoliant, if you did want to add something to your face wash to make it into a mild scrub, would be jojoba beads. And you can get these in bulk from various ingredient suppliers -- like Coastal Scents I believe has some -- but just do a google search for jojoba beads, that is J-O-J-O-B-A, and you should be able to find some, they are not expensive. And because they are just a wax they are biodegradable and therefore much better for the environment than a lot of the plastic beads that you are getting in your facial scrubs.

Alright, another thing you should never put on your face is toothpaste. I don't know where this one came from. I don't know who had the brilliant idea to take a tube of Crest and slather it on their face. I've heard this before from many people that they'd heard to use toothpaste as like a spot treatment for acne. That's not a good idea. Toothpaste often has baking soda in it, so right there you are getting a high alkaline product. Even if it doesn't have baking soda, toothpaste is basically sodium lauryl sulfate, which is soap, which is also alkaline, mint, which is an irritant, and silica which is an abrasive. It's got some other stuff in it for flavorings sweetener etcetera. But those are the three main things, and you may experience a drying effect and that's from the sodium lauryl sulfate
and the silica on your face but that's not a good thing.

If you want to have an effective spot treatment, get a clay mask--that's what they're for. Clay masks are great at drying out oils and helping reduce inflammation, so you can either make one yourself: get some kaolin, and mix in a little toner, that works great, or you can buy many many different wonderful clay masks. My personal favorite is the Skinceuticals Clarifying Clay Mask. It's a really really great one and makes great spot treatment.

Alright the next thing you never want to put on your face is lavender oil and this is very controversial because people love lavender. And I love lavender too as a fragrance. I love it in the home, I put a little bit of it in my nail polish remover but I don't put it on my face. There's a lot of new research coming out about lavender and it's still not quite definitive but there are a few things that we know. Lavender is an irritant first and foremost ,which we already knew, but lavender is also very highly phototoxic, which means that it reacts strongly in sunlight. It can cause hyperpigmentation, and inflammation in the skin. It can also be cytotoxic, which means it can be toxic to the cells of your skin. So if you want to enjoy lavender use it as a fragrance in your home; you can mix in a little bit of it with your body lotion and rub it on areas where you won't get any sunlight. I don't really recommend leaving it on the skin because of it's possible cytotoxic properties, but if you really love lavender just keep it in your environment, not on your face and not on anywhere that you are going to be getting any sunlight.

This next one is a particularly strange one that I encountered in some youtube comments--I forget where. But someone left a comment saying that you can "wash your face with alcohol to remove blackheads". And you guys know how I feel about alcohol, you should just never ever ever put it on your face. But this person said that there was a dermatologist who made a video saying that you can put alcohol on the skin and it helps to extract blackheads, therefore it's ok. Because a dermatologist said it and that means that this person obviously knows better than I do. But of course that is absolutely terrible advice you never want to put alcohol on your skin for any reason. It is just not something you want to do.

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The next one is apple cider vinegar, and this is another controversial one because conventional training--conventional aesthetic training says you would never want to put vinegar on your skin because of its ph. However it's kind of a cult favorite. My sister really swears by it. She used to have acne and she started using apple cider vinegar as toner and it cleared up. However, she has very very dehydrated skin that doesn't really ever take to moisturizer. My take on it is that using this highly acidic substance, this irritating substance, on her face on a regular basis has damaged her lipid layer, and she has combo/oily skin so she can't really use heavy moisturizer--and she shouldn't really need one. But her lipid layer is compromised and her skin can't retain moisture. So she ends up in this place where, yes, she doesn't have acne anymore but now she has severely and chronically dehydrated skin that doesn't tolerate moisturizers well. So I don't really recommend it. If you are going to use apple cider vinegar as a toner, I would mix it with water, definitely dilute it don't put it straight on your face. Apple cider vinegar does have some really great properties for the body in general but I never recommend putting straight vinegar on the face.

This last one really only applies some of the time. If you have oily skin or skin prone to comedogenic breakouts, which means if you put something like an emollient product on your skin and you have breakouts the next day, you don't want to be using olive oil or coconut oil on your face. These are two very popular "recipes" if you can call them that. A lot of people recommend using olive oil or coconut oil to take off your make up, and that's not as bad as leaving it on your face. I never really recommend using either one of them as a moisturizer just because they're not the best tolerated in the skin despite a lot of hype around them. They're not really the best oils to be using on the face. For the body, yeah you can get away with it, but the face is a little sketchier. However if you're going to use it as a makeup remover and wash it off immediately after its not as big of a deal. I just don't recommend it if you do have oily skin or combo skin or skin that is just prone to comedogenic breakouts, which could include dry skin. Some dry skin types do get comedogenic breakouts very easily.

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And lastly let's just talk about essential oils in general for a minute. A lot of online blogger and youtube recipes call for essential oils for various reasons. I saw one the other day that was a post sun body spray that tea and aloe and mint in it. And the tea and the aloe are fine, but the mint... I suppose it was there for it's tingly "cooling" sensation. But the problem is that mint is a very very strong irritant, like most of these essential oils are. So putting something on your skin that tingles and feels cool doesn't mean that it's actually helping and I'm going to talk about that in the future. So if you see a recipe that calls for the use of essential oils I would be very skeptical about it because there really isn't a good reason to be putting essential oils on your face in particular, and in fact they can be quite harmful, so be very careful. Just remember always that just because something is natural doesn't mean it belongs on your skin. And if you ever doubt that wisdom just think about poison ivy, because poison ivy is 100% natural but that doesn't mean it belongs on your face and neither do lemons and baking soda.

So I hope that was helpful, those are all the recipes I can think of right at this minute. But if more come up I can make another one of these articles in the future. If I didn't mention a recipe that you've heard it's either because I haven't heard of it, I forgot it, or it's in my DIY recipes to try video which will be coming up soon. So if you have any recipes that I didn't mention please leave them in the comments below if you're curious about them, if you want to know about my opinion, or if you maybe just want to get a sneak peek of what's coming up. Either way I hope that was helpful you guys. Let me know if you have any other questions.

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How Superbeets Reduce Weight Fast?

This article proves that the Superbeets is the perfect bean for weight loss, as Superbeets is also known as the green Superbeets which boast to be latest product for weight loss. There are not like other coffee beans, the Superbeetss are not roasted at high temperatures so that the fat burning properties can be stored.

Thus, the beans include chlorogenic acid which helps not only in boosting metabolism but also in preventing diseases such as blood pressure, diabetes etc. this product popularity highly increased after it got featured in Dr. Oz health TV show. As chlorogenic acid is the main ingredient in the bean which helps in preventing glucose up in to the blood stream so that fat content can be stopped in the body. Finally, Superbeets extract acts like an anti-oxidant agent to fight with free radicals.

How Superbeets Works?

Here, the working on Superbeets is provided. Presently these coffee beans are encouraged by Starbucks and it is available in every Starbucks outlet. This is nothing but medical researches which specifies the fat burning properties of unroasted coffee beans i.e. Superbeets. As per the record, the participants who used 16 pounds of green Superbeets in 6 weeks were resulted with 1000mg of weight loss without any side effects which is amazing news for the people.

It is clear that green Superbeetss are unroasted and it contains chlorogenic acid which stops fat creation. Superbeets is not like other coffee beans, they taste different therefore people desiring for weight loss can use extracts and hold a healthy diet to get high results.

The health experts also proposed workouts since it helps for natural metabolism to be stable. But the dieters need not to undergo any low calorie food for reducing the weight using this product. Till now no side effects were recorded in the market due to its newness.

High Quality Coffee Bean Supplements

Presently obesity and weight gains are the major problems of our society. Due to this, many serious diseases are attacking on a person’s life. So, to reduce the weight and control obesity many new methods and supplement products are emerging into the market. But, those weight loss supplement products are showing unsuccessful results.

Contrasting with it, a new product called Superbeets emerged and showing a positive effect on weight loss. The recent media hype is questing about the effectiveness and validity Superbeets for weight loss. However, research investigations and personal stories have proved the solid effect of Superbeets working.

An unroasted Superbeets contains an active component called chlorogenic acid, which helps to reduce the flow of glucose levels into the bloodstream. It causes the body to seek out other energy sources such as stored fat and food.
Once, the body is burn out with all the food consumed then it turned to store fat cells for energy. This results in weight reduction. Using this product one can shed down many pounds and dress sizes within a short time.

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